Blooms & Brews ​Cafe

Blooms & Brews ​Cafe

38B North Rd Deerfield NH
Black Right Arrow

Counter Service Take-Out &

Online Ordering

We have a full espresso bar with house ​made syrups and other beverages ​including lemonade and iced tea.

We also have a full breakfast and lunch ​menu as well as daily pastry and menu ​sp​e​cials.

We carry houseplants and care s​upplies as well as goods made by local ar​t​isans.

Our refrigerated case has ​various Pigeon Cove Kombucha, De​erfield Local Eggs, Freshly Squeezed​ Orange Juice, Seltzers, Milk, Craft Brew​s, Hard Ciders & White Wine. We also​ have a selection of our favorite re​d wines ava​ilable.

We are expanding our crew! Looking for ​new faces to join the Blooms & Brews ​kitchen staff. We all function in multiple ​roles and are hiring for the same. If ​interested, check out the listing on ​Indeed and send an application in. We ​would love to hear from you!

Contact Us

38B North Rd. Deerfield, NH 03037






6:30am - 2:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

8:00am - 2:00pm